Apples the most loved fruit blog - Apple Trees - Clarenbridge Online Garden Store Ireland - Garden Shop

Apples – the most loved fruit

Apples are loved by all


Well it seems that Apples & Apple Trees are a popular subject, judging by our audience at our Apple talk by John McNamara on Saturday (Sept 24th).  Despite a windy afternoon,  visitors came out to hear John share his knowledge and passion of Apple trees.  We could not have asked for a better expert on Apple trees.

Irish Peach Apple Tree - Native Irish Apple Trees - GLAS Scheme - Clarenbridge Online Garden Centre IrelandJohn has been growing Apple trees in Cork for over 40 years. There is no doubt  that John really loves what he does.

His enthusiasm and energy for all things Apple related, rubbed off on all who  were there. We will be sharing videos of the talk here shortly, so keeping checking in.

John covered everything from how far apart you should plant your apple trees, how to protect your trees from rabbits, how soon you can expect to see fruit and how planting clover near your trees is good for your trees.




Kilkenny Pearmain Apple Tree - Native Irish Apple Trees - GLAS Scheme - Clarenbridge Online Garden Centre IrelandJohn also shared with us  the many variety of apples that are available today. Everything from eating to cooking apples. We even received a history on each variety of apple and when it was first planted in Ireland.

We had a lively questions and answer session as everyone had their own particular question for John. From what is the best Apple tree to plant if you are a beginner to how can I protect my Apple trees from birds.

John was extremely gracious in staying behind to answer everyone’s questions. We are sincerely grateful to John for a wonderful afternoon talking about Apple Trees.


Thank you John for sharing your knowledge and love of Apple trees with us.

If you would like us to organise a talk about any gardening subject, please email us at  please put “Garden Talks” in the subject heading.






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