No matter how much we did not enjoy the weather this summer, summer it still was. We had our hopes for a bit of warmth and sunshine, we had our weekly complaining sessions about the non existent holiday vibe. And now ladies and gentleman it is gone, autumn is truly here and no matter how nice, warm, dry and colourful it is going to be for the next couple of months, it is autumn, the time for winding down, tidying up and planning for next year while cradling a steaming cup of tea (or other drink of choice). The one thing I have noticed recently is the need for container plants. Ones that will hold strong until Christmas or so, will look relatively good with minimal effort and will be versatile enough to be used as space fillers or grave decorations. Kind of “all rounders” I suppose. So let’s talk few seasonal plants that might just do the job.
When it comes to performance in pots and containers combined with effortless and elegant look, there is nothing better than Skimmia japonica I think. This slow growing, evergreen shrub is an ideal candidate for pots, containers or borders. Usually dark green foliage creates a contrast to dark pink, white or red clusters of tiny bubbles gathered in conical shapes at end of branches. Those bubbles will stay closed until February/ March which makes Skimmia an ideal seasonal plant. It prefers to be in a slightly acidic soil, so make sure to mix some ericaceous compost or food when planting it, but other than that this plant is absolutely hassle free. One of the best plants to pair with Skimmia is a Hellebore. This combination will not only give you winter colour, it will create the most luxuriant and elegant look. I like to use Hellebore niger or “Christmas Rose” because of its pristine white blooms. It is also one of the longest flowering ones in my garden. There is however hundreds of different varieties with red, purple, pink, cream yellow and white flowers and everything in between. No worries so, everyone will be catered for. And because we never plant in two’s my third option for a maintenance free pot is a dark green Hedera, commonly known as Ivy 😉
I know, I hear it often enough, Ivy is not people’s favourite plant, but! It does the job, grows well without hassle, fills space and tumbles down elegantly one side of said pot and most importantly looks a million dollars when paired with the previous two. When done well, a pot like this will last you more than just a season an it could become a really great gift as well!
This is not the end of great seasonal plants though, we have few more to talk about. A smaller, ground cover evergreen that is laced with white, bell shaped blooms just about
now could be ideal for window boxes, shallow planters or as an edging plant. Gaultheria, as we all know it, is a fantastic choice of a low growing evergreen that performs best in the winter time. It produces masses of fleshy red berries which makes it ideal come Christmas. Plant it in acidic and moist ground next to a white Heather. Those two look very well together, like same conditions and last for months before a bigger space is required. I love heathers whether autumn or winter, they look so natural and soft, stay flowering for ages and are easy to keep in a container. Mix in a plant or two of blue Violas and you have a colour burst for all the dull grey winter months.
Evergreen ferns are the best performers in shady and moist spaces. I absolutely love them, no matter the time of year, but they look extra special around Halloween, draped in silver spiderweb thread sparkling with morning dew. Mysterious creatures, so they are. Ideal companion for all those dark green ladies could just be a wiry, silver plant called Calocephalus brownii. Highly decorative, this plant thrives on neglect, and adds a bit of sparkle to any planting combination. I love the different textures between the two and they look well together. Should I be planting those up myself, I would add a plant called Pernettya. A cousin of Gaultheria, this plant is sometimes called “prickly heath”, all thanks to its sharp leaves. It is evergreen, glossy, rigid but has the most beautiful array of bubbles from white through lilac and pink to dark purple. Pernettya can definitely deliver a well finished look. And I think it is because of this mix of textures, looks and colours that the finished product will look so well “put together”.
There we have it, a great offering of seasonal plants, with colour, without hassle and definitely on a budget. So whether you are stuck in the garden, front door idea or simply as a well thought out gift, grab yourself a selection of those and get creative. There is no way you could fail with any of them.
And because I dare to be a bit of a pain sometimes, spare a moment to think of next spring, and with this: Tete-a-tete’s, Crocus’s, Tulips or Muscari. Bulbs are in now, and it would only make sense to throw in a few into each planted container. For the extra colour and for the first whiff of Spring of course!
Thank you,
Magda O’ Byrne